uTorsion Spring^PDI VSR-10 New triggerv


This is for PDI-new trigger only.Repair parts.A set of 3-springs.
The picture is on 2 springs,but we send 3. Because the latest trigger needs 3 sprngs.

Trigger box became vsr.2 from August, 2010. Form of the trigger sear changed on this occasion. And the torsion spring of the trigger part was changed to long size, too. When you order trigger sear or a spring, please confirm a version to own.
The lower image is a trigger box made before from August, 2010.

šSale 1,925 yen
We deem to get your agreement for the below policy when you place an order.

Please read the below policy
We deem to get your agreement for the below policy when you place an order.
›We couldn't assure the trouble with your lack of skill.
›It may be required to adjust to fit because our custom parts reduce the clearance of normal parts to lead the best condition.
›Do not use the 3rd party products.Because we design with Normal parts or PDI-products.
@If you ignore our rule & breake up your gunsAwe couldnft be responsible.
›It is possible to change the spec or design.